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Advertising and Research Services

Why Canstar?

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Australia’s biggest financial comparison website⌃.

Over 10 million unique users visit Canstar every year.#

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Aussies trust our research and ratings.

Canstar is Australia’s most trusted financial comparison website.*

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We help people make decisions.

From discovery through to final decision, Canstar helps consumers make financial decisions with confidence.

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30+ financial verticals.

We rate and compare across banking, insurance and investment categories.


Canstar, Australia’s biggest financial comparison site^, compares thousands of products from over 775 brands across 30 different finance categories to help Australians compare and find the right product for their needs.


Advertising offering

We help our clients reach Aussies who are looking for a specific financial product with ease, whether they’re seeking information or comparing their options.

Standard comparison table listingStandard comparison table listing example

Sponsored product listingSponsored product listing example

Featured product listing

Featured product listing example

Display advertising

Display advertising

Canstar View

Canstar View is Australia’s most comprehensive banking database. Designed to make competing in, monitoring and analysing the market, easy.

Build better products understand the competitive landscape & your relative positioning

Enable better pricing decisions analyse competitor pricing & understand relative positioning

Save time & drive efficiency whole market in a single place

React faster to change identify recent fee & rate changes through rate alerts

Get access to up to date information on thousands of competitor products via Canstar View.

Contact us today →


NEW! Canstar Audiences

Canstar Audiences provides our client partners with access to rich, engaged, segmented audiences for offsite acquisition and optimisation of programmatic media spend.

Canstar Audiences are made up of high quality, high intent users and are segmented based on Canstar verticals.

Contact us to find out more →


Member Valuation

Canstar’s Member Valuation is a report for the mutual banking sector which quantifies the dollar value returned to the customers compared to a selected group of peers.

In essence the member value is similar to a share dividend, it measures the return delivered to members by ‘banking’ with them.

Chat to us to find out more →

Product Value Review

Canstar’s Product Value Review helps clients understand how their new or changed product performs against the market based on our proprietary, research methodology.

Find out more →

Comparison Rate Calculator

Canstar’s Comparison Rate Calculator makes it quick and easy to calculate and present the brand’s Home Loan/s comparison rate.

Find out more →

Bespoke Research and Data APIs

Canstar’s vast data set enables us to provide unique insights to clients for use in a variety of different ways.

For example, some of the bespoke service offerings we have delivered in the past for clients includes:

Consumer research and sentiment analysis

Deep dive competitor analysis and reviews

Onsite data feeds that show the competitiveness of a particular provider vs the market on interest rates

Contact us to find out more about how we could help you →

Contact us

Melanie Pritchard

Melanie Pritchard
Group Manager
Digital Revenue
0404 784 977

Tom Slee

Tom Slee
Group Manager
Wealth and Health
0488 054 259

Kevin Smart

Kevin Smart
Group Manager
Banking & General Insurance
0427 554 742